
  1. The Association shall be called the “UGANDA CRICKET ASSOCIATION”.
  2. The Headquarters of the Association shall be situated in Kampala.


The Objects of the Association shall be:

  • To promote interest in the game of Cricket and to raise the standard of the game in all communities in Uganda.
  • To organize and manage Cricket matches in Uganda.
  • To promote, manage and finance Cricket tours in Uganda and Abroad.
  • To select Cricket Teams to represent the Association both at home and abroad.
  • To encourage, support and aid in the establishment of Cricket Clubs.
  • To encourage, support and promote umpiring.
  • To exercise and take disciplinary action over the members of the Association as necessary.
  • To arrange, establish, finance and support any scheme for the coaching of players of Cricket whether at Schools, Clubs or elsewhere.
  • To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise and dispose of any such property movable and immovable or any interest therein, and to manage, layout, prepare and maintain the same for Cricket or other athletic sports and to build or otherwise provide buildings in connection therewith and to furnish, alter, enlarge, repair, uphold and maintain the same and to permit such land and buildings to be used by members of the Association and others gratuitously or for payment and to dispose of any property in the interest of the Association.

Constitution of the Association:

The Association shall consist of: Affiliated Club Members.

  • Affiliate Member:

Affiliate members shall be such Cricket Clubs as shall satisfy affiliation requirements as laid down by the Council from time to time.

  • Affiliation Rules:

The Council shall once every year prepare affiliation rules, which shall lay down the minimum requirements that each club must satisfy to qualify as an affiliated member.

Application for Membership:

Every candidate for admission as an affiliated member to the Association shall apply to the Council in writing and submit the following documents: -

  • A resolution of its Executive Committee signifying its consent to apply for membership.
  • A list of all its Paid-up Members as at the time of application which shall not be less than a number fixed by the Council.
  • A copy of the Club Constitution.
  • Evidence of its being actively engaged in the game of Cricket.
  • Notice to successful Club:

Immediately upon approval by Council of a club as an affiliated member the Secretary shall write to the club with copies to all affiliated other clubs advising it of its decision, and shall require to remit to the treasurer within four weeks the prescribed affiliation fees and annual subscriptions.

  • Delay in taking up Membership:

If no affiliation fees and subscription are/ is paid within twenty-eight days from the date of communication of the decision of Council to the Club the approval shall automatically be deemed withdrawn by such lapse of time, unless to satisfaction of the Council it is shown that the delay was due to a sufficient cause.

  • Affiliation Fee:

If any affiliated member fails to pay its annual subscription within fourteen days after the date on which it falls due, written notice shall be sent to the Club drawing its attention to non-payment of the said fees. In the event that the said fees remain unpaid for a further 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of notice of non-payment, the Council have the right to take such disciplinary action against the defaulting club as it may deem fit, including a suspension from the Association.

  • Special Provision as to Membership:

All existing Clubs and their membership as at the time of coming into force of this Constitution shall automatically become affiliated members of the Association upon payment of fees as herein provided, provided they shall have produced to the Secretary of the Association all documents mentioned in clause 4.02 hereof.

  • Resignation of Members:

Any member may resign its membership by giving to the Secretary notice in writing to that effect.

It shall be the duty of the Council (if at anytime they are of the opinion that the interests of the Association so require) to invite by letter any member(s) to withdraw from the Association within a time as specified in such a letter of its expulsion to the next general meeting of the Association. The member shall be allowed to offer an explanation of its conduct verbally or in writing and if thereafter two thirds of the members present shall vote for its expulsion it shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association.

  • Election of Officers:

At the end of the annual general meeting all officers of the Association (including ex-officio members and excepting the trustees) shall resign. Any two members of an affiliated Club may propose candidates to take up offices by notice in writing to the Secretary at least seven days before the date of the meeting, and the Secretary shall forthwith post the same in the Association premises, with the exception that further nominations to offices can be made on the floor at the time of election, subject to the different Club's rights created herein. Ballot papers shall be prepared, containing in alphabetical order all the names thus obtained and showing the names of the proposers. The candidates up to the numbers of vacancies who shall receive the majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected, and in the case of two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

Candidates nominated for Chairman and other officials must be proposed and seconded by members of different Clubs.

Membership of the Council:

  • At or before commencement of each year in any case on a date not later than the Annual General Meeting, all affiliated members of the Association shall nominate 2 delegates to Council by forwarding their names to the Secretariat.
  • In addition to (a) above, each club shall forward to the Secretariat 2 names of their members who shall act as attorneys to the delegates in the event that they are not in position to attend Council meetings and it is only the aforementioned individuals who will represent their respective clubs during council meetings.
  • Every affiliated member shall be mandated to attend the meetings of Council and any member that fails to attend on 3 meetings, not necessarily consecutively, without any lawful and/or reasonable justification shall be liable to pay a penalty to be decided by Council.
  • The Council shall monitor the performance of its members through their delegates. Where Council is of the view that any particular delegate is not representing their club diligently, it may elect to discontinue such delegate from its proceedings and in such case the member affected will be required to nominate another delegate but shall be liable to pay a penalty.
  • The names of such delegates shall be notified to the Secretary of the Association on or before the date of the Annual General Meeting where they will be publicly announced to members.
  • A member of Council, including the Officers of the Association may be suspended and or relieved of his duties if in the opinion of Council, such a member has failed to execute his duties and or his conduct is disgraceful, in as far as the objectives of the Association are concerned.
  • Council, before taking such action shall make a fair inquiry into the alleged facts, after giving at least seven (7) days notice to the member concerned that his conduct and or performance is the subject of an inquiry. Similar notice must also be given to the other members of Council after completion of inquiry, who will then consider the outcome of the inquiry and the defence of the said member, and thereafter adopt appropriate measures.

Vacancies on Council:

The Council shall have the powers to invite any member of the public to attend Council meetings as and when it deems necessary. Such a member shall not have voting rights.


  • The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Organising Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected by the Annual General meeting, and at least 3 of them must be Uganda citizens. They shall deal with the property and affairs of Association as directed by a resolution of the Council (of which an entry in the minute book shall be conclusive).


The Chairman shall be the head of the executive committee of the Association and it shall be his/her duty to:-

  • convene and chair all the meetings of the council, the executive committee and the annual and general meetings;
  • be a signatory to financial documents of the Association;
  • carry out any other functions or duties as the general meeting may from time to time assign him or her.


It shall be the duty of the Vice Chairman/chairperson to:

  • deputize the chairman, act and perform the functions of the chairman in the latter's absence.
  • perform all and/or any other duties which may from time to time be delegated to him/her by the Chairman, the Executive or the general meeting.


It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:­


co-ordinate and administer all the affairs and day to day running of the Association and the Secretariat;

  • to take down minutes of all the proceedings of both the executive and general meetings;
  • to ensure that all the Association’s documents, records and other valuable property and information are properly kept;
  • to publish all notices for meetings and other functions of the Association;
  • to produce minutes of the meetings of the Association;
  • to produce minutes of meetings of the Association;
  • prepare an agenda for such meetings and carry out such correspondence as the Council may direct;
  • to review minutes of previous meetings or perform any duties assigned;
  • to perform any other duties assigned from time to time.


The Treasurer shall:-

  • be the signatory to all the Association’s financial documents and bank accounts;
  • keep and update all financial records;
  • prepare budgets;
  • ensure that books of accounts are audited quarterly (internal) and annually (external);
  • make periodical financial reports wherever requested by the Executive and/or Council;
  • Co-ordinate the appointment of an external auditor through competitive bidding.
  • be the chief financial adviser to the Association.
  • carry out any other duties as may be assigned to him / her by the Chairman, Executive Committee and / or Council.


The duties of the above shall involve but shall not be limited to the following:

  • draw timely fixtures
  • ensure the operational running of the national league and any other tournaments and competitions organized by the Association;
  • draw up the calendar of the games for the year;
  • advise the Executive Committee and Council on the proper running and conduct of the national league and all other tournaments and/or competitions organized by the Association;
  • to organize all games, tours, competitions and tournaments managed or conducted under the name of the Association;
  • to perform any other duties that may be assigned from time to time.
  • any other duties duly assigned from time to time.

Offices of the Association.

  • The Association shall have a Secretariat, which shall be the office and headquarters of the Association headed by the office of the Honourable Secretary.
  • The Secretariat shall among other duties and functions be entrusted with the handling and safe custody of all the documents of the Association.
  • The Association may using its own procedures find suitable candidates/ individuals to assist the Honourable Secretary in running and conducting the affairs of the Secretariat and the Association.


    • The individuals referred to in (i) above shall be employees of the Association and shall carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned to them in the contracts of the employment duly executed between the individual and the Association and shall in the course of the execution of their duties report and/or be answerable to the Hon. Secretary and the Executive Committee.

Meeting of Council.

The Council shall meet at least once in every month to examine the finances and arrange the affairs of the Association. Save as herein after provided, five members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. Minutes shall be taken of all the proceedings of the Council and shall be open to the inspection of any members of the Association applying to the Secretary thereof.

  • The Council shall from time to time make, repeal, and amend all such regulations (not inconsistent with this Constitution and subject as hereinafter provided) as they shall think expedient for the Management and well being of the Association. All regulations made by the Council under this rule shall be binding upon the members until repealed by the Council, or set aside by resolution of a general meeting of the Association.

Powers of the Council:

The Council shall have the following powers and responsibility but without limitation to the generalities of the terms used:-

  • To organise Cricket tournaments and draw calendars and fixtures.
  • To make regulations governing the game.
  • To promote the game in Schools and other places.
  • To organise the maintenance of high standard Cricket pitches in the Country and availability of playing equipment.
  • To appoint umpires for recognised matches.
  • To discipline members of affiliated Clubs for unbecoming behaviour on the ground, in spectator's stands or elsewhere, in so far as such behaviour contravenes the objectives of the Association.
  • To appoint Commissioners for tournament matches.
  • To receive umpires' and commissioners' reports about matches.
  • To select National Players.
  • To appoint a National Coach, Team Manager, and other officials in connection with the National Team.
  • To file reports to the National Council of Sports.
  • To carry out any tasks not provided for herein on behalf of the Association, in line with the objectives of the Association.


In the discharge of its duties the Executive shall appoint the following committees: -

  • Games Committee
  • Selection Committee.
  • Grounds Committee
  • Disciplinary Committee
  • Schools' Development Programme
  • Any other committees as shall be deemed necessary.

The Chairman and Secretary of the Association shall be Ex-Officio members of all such Committees.

18.01 The Executive Committee with the approval of Council shall put in place committees, which shall manage and conduct the day-to-day affairs of the Association and cricket in general. The Chairman and Secretary of the Association shall be Ex-Officio members of all such Committees

The committees referred to above shall be assigned various responsibilities from time to time and in execution thereof shall report to Council.


Any affiliated member dissatisfied with a decision of any of the Committees shall have the right to appeal through the Secretary in writing to the Council and the decision of the Council shall be final and binding on the members.


There shall be not more than three trustees of the Association.

The first Trustees shall be elected by the Council and the fixed assets of the Association (other than Current Assets which shall be under the control of the Treasurer) shall be vested in them to be dealt with by them as the Council shall from time to time direct by resolution (of which an entry in the minute book shall be conclusive evidence).

The Trustees shall hold office for a period of three years or on resignation or until removed from office by a resolution of the Council for any reason, which may seem sufficient to Council members present in the meeting.

Annual General Meetings:

The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in the month of February each year on a date, place and a time to be fixed by the Council for the following purposes: -

  • To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any special meetings held since.
  • To receive and adopt Annual Reports.
  • To receive and adopt Annual Accounts.
  • To decide on any resolution which is duly submitted to it.
  • To discuss any matters arising, or problems affecting the Association.
  • To appoint Trustees.
  • To appoint Auditors.
  • To elect Officers of the Council.
  • To make, rescind, amend and add to the Constitution of the Association.

Notice of Business:

Any member desirous of moving any resolution at the Annual General Meeting shall give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary not less than 14 days before the date of the meeting.

Twenty one days' notice in writing shall be given to members and such notice together with the agenda shall be deemed to be duly given when: -

  • It has been sent to all affiliated Club members, or
  • Advertised in the press, or
  • Posted in the Association premises.

Special General Meeting:

The Council may at anytime for special purpose call a special general meeting and shall do so forthwith upon the requisition in writing to the Secretary of 50% of members stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.

Proceedings at the General Meeting:

At all General Meetings of the Association the Chairman and in his absence, a member selected by the Council, shall take the Chair. Every Affiliated Member shall have Two voting Delegates. The Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.


The Quorum at all general meetings shall be 1/2 of members. For motions proposing any amendments to the Constitution, the quorum shall be 2/3 of members.

Financial Year:

The financial year of the Association shall be from the 1st day of January in each year to the 31st day of December, of the same year to which day the Accounts of the Association shall be balanced.

Audit of Accounts:

The Accounts shall be audited as soon as practicable after the end of the financial year, by professional Accountants who shall be appointed at each Annual General Meeting.

Interpretation of the Constitution:

The Council shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Constitution and of the regulations made from time to time, and the decision of the Council upon any question or matter affecting the Association and not provided for in the regulations shall be final and binding on the members.

Amendment of Constitution:

This Constitution may be added to, repealed, or amended by resolution at Annual or special general meetings, provided that no such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless members voting thereon. Twenty-eight days' notice of the intention to move such resolution shall be given together with details of the proposed repeal or amendment.